Please Please Please Please Please Email me if there are any links that don't work and I'll fix them straight away!!! It has to be said that chocolate doughnuts don't stay as fresh and last as long as apples, let alone ataris. (??!!??) Everything's gone all dark, with bits of red and various other colours, well yes, I know. Don't worry. The best thing you can do in circumstances like this is use an old computer or work out how to do it using pieces of paper and a pen. Most html code is © (copyright) Joshua Waller 1998 (or whatever date created) and I don't care if you nick it and stuff, I'd just like it if you didn't nick my thoughts - html is nothing - thought is everything. some html done using tripod easy quick thing some done using ms publisher 97, word 97 but the majority edited afterwards. (you can tell by checking the source for weird META writing in top). most images © (hold alt 169) (copyright) joshua waller 1998 (unless they're not) and if not then i have tried to acknoledge people concerned, if not please let me know coz' i care about you. The Neko cat image is not copyright me, and is copyright to someone else but I got it from a site that said I could use it. If you are finding a lot of images not displayed then this could be due to me using quite a lot of *.PNG images - if you are a PC owner then I reccomend you upgrade to Netscape 4 (available on quite a lot of PC mags) - if you are not a PC owner then please email me, coz' since these pages are for you I will do something about it if I get enough email! This web site was initialy created on the 25th of March 1998 and last updated as stated elsewhere. (normally on bottom of page or the page could even have two dates on, the oldest is probably when the page was first created and the freshest is probably when it was last "updated" (tee hee).) Any resemblance to any characters living or dead is in no way intentional and related to anything. All brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If you wish to be added to Super Links or Atari Links then please email me your site and tell me a bit about it, and I'll have a look at it. If you would like to add a link to my site on your page then please feel free. If you have any comments about the site in general and see any areas where it could be improved or where there are problems then please let me know. All pages tested in IE4 and Netscape Communicator 4 (where possible) in both 640 * 480 and 800 * 600 in both 256 Color mode and 16 bit Color (where possible). Netscape Navigator is the preferred choice of Joshua Waller and some pages are esae nacd Unless otherwise stated pages are best run 800 * 600 in 16bit Color (or more), although IE4 dithers pictures well in 256. Above all else, you are cool, you better put a jumper on. Text Only area should work in all browsers, although I can not test in any other than Netscape (4) and IE (4) as I do not have the resources, and therefore cannot garantee any of this. I can however promise to keep it a JavaScript free area.* And quicker* than the other pages. See Text home page for more details. * All text in all pages are subject to E&OE and may change without notice. Text within may be void at a later or present date, this disclaimer is not binding and no text/images within these pages or text/images within pages that are linked to create any liability on Josh's part.