Tuesday 1st December 1998
wow, cups of tea eh? they are so nice. and a piece of apple and two packs of crisps mmmm... lovely.
eh - i'm tired and happy - i rang a woman today and she said - ignore the letter, your loan will be in your bank by the end of the week.
i'm really happy - and people are nice and stuff and i got lots of emails from people today - and my brother ben (from new zealand) got a job today - so it's really cool.
my eyes hurt though coz; in our tv room loads of people smoke, and there is no ventilation so it's difficult to breathe and i get a really bad headache starting at the top left area of my brain (about the middle, not the front.) - just to prove that there are no such things as days without something negative in them.
but i'm still really happy today. and this nice person said hi in the lift, and we talked about going home for christmas, which is so good - it's only like three weeks away and stuff.
if your eyes hurt you should go to sleep. but if you can't go to sleep then what you can do, when using computers, is turn down the contrast and brightness - you can tell if the screen is flickering by looking just above the screen (not at the screen) - that is if it doesn't have an on screen display. the screen flickering is a serious health thing and your university / institute / company is doing you no favours by compromising on this area. you should have a display freq. of at least about 75Hz, and it is no good just buying a new monitor, as the graphics card will still produce the same low refresh rate. And even then if you do have a monitor capable of doing 75Hz(+) in ALL resolutions you are going to use it in, and a graphics card capable of that too, if your software is not set up correctly then you could still have the same low refresh rates!
Anyway, just thought I'd let you know something kind of a bit technical, but still worth knowing due to the implications that go with it. (the Hz number is to do with how many times it redraws the screen horizonally every second, the higher the number, the quicker it draws the screen and the less you notice flicker, and the better it is for your eyes and health.)
I should really be doing the third question of my IM&D assignment, since the deadline is tomorrow, but I think I'll just go to sleep now and do it tomorrow - I'm told it is easier than the first two questions. (i am also happy that I have done the first two questions)
Have I told you that I have done well in that SDD (software design and development) test? I just thought I'd let you know in case you were wondering.
I think it's really neat that people are able to get to know me through this, often it has been difficult to get to know me coz' I've found it difficult talking to any other people other than a select few - it's a pity more of my friends don't check this out.
I think that I have done way too many of these recently and think I should try and leave it for a while, coz' I think that it would be real easy to get bored of these!
hmmm... i think this could be a good year for me... today i realised why i am doing computing as my course as i thought, 'i really like computing, this is what you want to do, and to think you can get a job in something you like doing, it's really great, and all you need to do is work hard, and you'll do really well.'
i hope i feel this and remember this for a long time to come, when i'm having a really tough time and stuff. i'm tired - i must sleep now - and i must remember i am working for the Lord, and the work i am working at God wants me to enjoy, He wants me to be happy.
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