Star Wars report
On this page you will find a short report on how I found information on Star Wars for this site, plus links to relevant sites.

  • AltaVista - I used this to search for web sites using the following search query : George Lucas , Timothy Zahn , Star Wars Book History .
  • I went to to find out some background information on Star Wars, and information on the films. Other sites I found useful information on George Lucas were : Mr. Showbiz, and Star Tours [a fan site]. The image used on the people page was found at the Star Tours site. I found this Star Wars History site useful, as it gave a lot of good background information on the films.
  • To find information on Timothy Zahn, I searched AltaVista and found this page which is where I found his biography and a picture to use on the people page [I used Adobe Photoshop to adjust the image]. I also found more information on the Star Wars books here.
  • I found information on Lucasfilm by following a link on the Star Wars FAQ to the Lucasfilm web site.
  • To create the Star Wars title graphic, at the top of each page, I used Adobe Photoshop. To create the film image on the people page I used Microsoft Word and got the film clipart from there. I then made it suitable for putting on this site using Adobe Photoshop. To create the buttons for "People", "Report" and "Home" I used Danny Root's Button Generator from his web site at :


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